Thursday, June 12, 2014

My Experience: Janos Cserna

Leading up to the flight, I had my own reservations about what was going to happen.  After the previous days flight, we had already learned that while our system did leak, it was not an unmanageable leak, and we could still collect relevant data. Now all that was left for me to worry about was my own reaction to both the drugs and fluctuations in gravity.

As it turns out, I was right to be worried.  For the first 8 or so parabolas, the experience was amazing! The feeling of being able to be horizontal, and float everywhere with a very small push from a fingertip was the best.  After those 8 parabolas, my stomach very quickly voiced its protest, and I spent the remainder of the flight sitting out due to illness.

While my flight experience was not the best, I would still do it again.  After speaking to the staff of the RGO, they mentioned that they would have liked to take me again as it is likely that my body can adapt to the sensation so that I could properly enjoy the flight.

As a final note, even without flying, the entire experience of meeting the different school teams, and understanding their experiments was well worth every bit of work that was put into the project. (Pictures coming soon!)