Friday, April 4, 2014

Day Two and Mountain View Elementary School

On Friday, April 4th, the Boise State Microgravity Team returned to Mountain View Elementary School for another fun day filled with inquiry, observations, designing, and redesigning. 
The fifth graders were introduced to new vocabulary terms: independent, dependent, and controlled variables. They were then challenged to apply their new knowledge of variables to a simple loop plane experiment, constructed from a straw, two loops of paper, and tape.
They flew their planes and took detailed observations in their notebooks.

The students then redesign their plane by changing one independent variable (number of loops, shape of loop, number of straws, etc.), in an attempt to increase the distance the plane traveled (dependent variable). They were required to keep everything else consistent with the original design (controlled variables).
Two students tied for the title of "Farthest Flying Loop Plane"
Way to go students! See you next week.